10,000km run-walk for Skerries Community



We are fundraising for 2 great Skerries Community causes, both significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. One giving thanks to our local front-line heroes, the other providing an event to a very deserving local community group.

1. We understand a significant issue for frontline healthcare & emergency workers is Quality Time, or the lack of it, at home with their loved ones… We will gift them family dinners, as a token of appreciation of their efforts, aiming to run this on 3 Saturdays: 25th Apr, 2nd & 9th May.
In such critical weeks ahead, we feel this will give them one less worry as they return home from working extended, stressful shifts. It will allow them quality time to enjoy meals with their loved ones. All meals are freshly prepared, purchased by us, from local chef Conor McGloughlin, Catering North Dublin.
This is also available for households in our community most affected by the pandemic, who would benefit from a good family meal. See details below.
All meals can be reheated in microwave, kept in fridge 3 days, or frozen for 4 weeks.

2. Prosper Fingal in Skerries are playing a critical part in the COVID-19 response for those in great need with disabilities, and their carers. Their nurses, social care workers, therapists, and care assistants arrange home support, collect medications, shopping, house repairs for those at risk plus daily calls to 300+ clients to ensure all are safe & well.
We will fund a re-opening event at their facility, for the benefit of those they so invaluably support. If restrictions continue to cause issue with this proposal, we will work with them on alternative ideas.

We will understand, with time, the levels of funds raised that can be put towards these two very deserving Community causes.

To donate & details of how to propose a person:

Skerries Rugby Club aim to run/walk 10,000 kilometres in aid of these two great local community causes. All activities will be completed individually, in adherence of government restrictions.
Our aim is to raise €1 for each km completed.
Our team is made up of adult players, team coaches across the club, members & player families.
The team track all distances on Strava fitness app. You can join the  team at any time, download Strava and find us at the club: “Skerries Rugby Club”.

Most IMPORTANT: We need YOU to propose those deserving heroes:
We need you, our local community, to propose names of front-line workers dealing with risks & impacts of COVID-19 in their jobs: Nurses & doctors, nursing home staff, community care workers, emergency services etc. Everyone knows a person deserving of a small thank you.
Also, it can be any person / family in our community who would greatly benefit from this small gift of thanks during these trying times.
Please note: We require you to collect & deliver meals. Your small effort will be add to their appreciation. To avail of all 3 Saturdays, please email by Wed 22/04. Proposals after that can avail of remaining Saturday’s, so its never too late. Conor will confirm his menu options each weekend (we will share) for selection in days thereafter. We will see how this works with time, and manage accordingly. Please don’t let it stop you proposing.

Follow regular updates at:
– GoFundMe fundraiser page, link above
– Facebook at: www.facebook.com/skerriesrfc