Golf Outing 2015 – Thank you!



Huge thank you to everyone who supported our annual club golf outing last Friday , it was a huge success for our club.

Particular thanks to the following

Jim O’Rourke and Clyde Davidson for all their hard work in putting together the day and for several years of organising the event .

Annette Taaffe & Kathy Heeney for looking after the registrations

Padraic Connolly for performing his new role as starter in such an efficient manner .

To Diffo and Susan for their usual excellent job organising the raffle and particular thanks to everyone who donated prizes all of which were greatly appreciated .

To the lads who looked after the BBQ and to Supervalue,Skerries, C&T Supermarkets, Red Island Wines and Aidan O’Brien who were very generous in their support to the outing and to Kevin Dempsey in his role as transport manager for the BBQ .

Sean Carron , Mick Matthews ,Eamonn O’Hare , Tom O’Rourke and others who helped out in various roles on the day .

In particular we would like to thank all the teams that played in the event and all the individuals and companies that sponsored a hole or tee in the event.

Huge thanks and credit to all the players who turned up for the auction and particular thanks to all the individuals / companies who purchased players on the night , without all your support this would not have been possible . Our auctioneer David Quirke must get special mention and thanks for his efforts.

Our thanks also goes to Skerries Golf Club and their Captain Brian Humphreys and Secretary Brian Sherwin for use of their facilities

Congratulations to Tom O’Rourke ,Jim O’Rourke ,Clyde Davidson and John McKenna who were winners on the day and again proud holders of the Branagan Cup .

Finally , We apologise if we left anyone out.This was our first major fund raising event of the year and we will be notifying you of up coming events in the coming weeks

Robert McAuley, President & Nick Heeney , Chairman