Youths / Minis Race Night



The Youths / Minis section of the club is running a Race Night on Saturday 18th April 2015 in the clubhouse. We last held one in October 2013 and it proved to be a great social night, enjoyed by all who attended, and a big success.

We are asking the parents of the players to help us make this year’s event a similar success. Apart from supporting on the night, we are asking all parents to try to secure one advertisement from a business to go into the race programme for the event. The cost of an advertisement varies – €100 or €250 or €500.

Can we ask all of you to make the effort to support the teams. Whichever team raises the greatest support for the event will win a special prize. You may recall we had Jamie Heaslip do a training session for the teams and the great fun had by all of the players on the day. We intend to have a similar prize for this year’s winners.

Team coaches will be liaising with parents this weekend, and for further information – or to place an ad – contact